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How to increase IQ?| yes its Possible!

 How to increase IQ?

Knowledge is generally measured by certain prescribed tests. The amount of this test is called intelligence slogan or IQ. How is a child's IQ said? The child's mental age should be multiplied by a hundred by real age. For example, if a boy's mental age is eight and his real age is eight, the number of eight-eight is multiplied by a hundred, i.e., the child's IQ is one hundred.

Another example: If a child's mental age is 12 and he is real age, it is 150 to multiply the sum of 1.5 in 8 by 150. The child's IQ was 150 at the time. Mental age is determined by some tests. Knowledge increases up to the age of 17 years. Then there is usually no significant increase. So in most countries a boy is considered to have come of age or mature at the age of 18. So he is even allowed to die fighting on battlefields at the age of 18. 

The age of a person who has grown up normally is taken as 16, no matter his age. So the idea that an IQ of a grown boy is 100/16 x his mental age has become controversial. Therefore, IQ is now calculated on the basis of representation of statistics that this level should be at this age.

The amount of tests that determine knowledge descends rapidly as average until it comes in the middle of the distributed curve (distribution curve) and if it exceeds the middle. The size of two to three is between 85 and 115. Most people in this condition are. Twenty-nineteen sizes are between 70 and 130. IQ 130 people are geniuses. It is also said that people in the mood of a child below the age of two years are brain stunted when they start with Makku to less than 70 years of age and end in IQ 29.

Knowledge cannot be suppressed within a definition. People, according to their view, say about knowledge: intelligence, wisdom, the ability to solve puzzles and problems with knowledge, discernment and imagination. But psychologists do not fade into such theories. They conduct an intelligence test called knowledge test to determine one's IQ.

Alfred Pinete, a 47-year-old French psychologist, introduced a trial to separate mentally ill children from ordinary children and identify them. This was the first Intelligence Test introduced in 1905.

Bynott related four-line knowledge of mental energy, new invention, guidance, criticism (comprehension, invention, direction and criticism) and ended it with a one-word judgment.

Dr. Catherine Morris has studied the lives of well-profiled geniuses and evaluated their IQ.

Mojard played musical instruments brilliantly when he was six years old. Kade wrote poetry when he was eight years old. So after examining the details, you can see below the IQ of the celebrities he provides:

  • Drake 130
  • Grant 130
  • Washington 140
  • Lincoln 150
  • Napoleon 145
  • Rembrandt 155
  • Franklin 160
  • Galileo 185
  • Leonardo da Vinci 180
  • Mozart 165
  • Voltaire 190
  • Descardus 180
  • Johnson 165
  • Luther 170
  • Newton 190
  • Khate 210
  • Kant 175.

Only one percent of the world's population has an IQ of more than 140. Average IQ of celebrities 166!

Well, is it possible to increase iq? That's possible. Knowledge is divided into three.

1) Brain knowledge determined by jeans

2) Experimental knowledge. It comes from learning.

3) Replexic knowledge also comes from learning.

It is therefore possible to develop both except the first race. Releasing puzzles and puzzle accounts Exercises on increasing imagination, drinking stimulants like coffee can temporarily increase IQ. Deep inhalation and breathing are also beneficial.

Those who expect permanent benefit can increase brain energy and increase IQ by doing mental exercises and physical exercises. They can even prevent the normal decrease in brain energy when they are too old! Which mental exercises do you do? It is best for your mind to not know what time is going on. If I watch TV for that, it's not mental training at all. But the cross-word bajl-crossword competition is a good exercise. Word play, philosophical inquiry or discussion, mental accounts, and the development of something new or designed on a daily basis are all great mental exercises.

Tennis, football and basketball are great in terms of physical training. Because the combination of coordination and timely (Coordination and timing) is the best physical exercises. A good cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system) is caused by good blood flow. Good blood flow carries more oxygen to the blood. That is why science recommends them as the best. It's a delicious news that these can make a constant difference in the brain! Both integration and timing are good practices for playing musical instruments (such as piano, ormonium, etc.). In addition, you can do painting and woodwork that should be used to combine the eyes and hands.

Meditation can permanently increase brain energy. It increases the weight of the cortex region, which makes the senses of prefrontal cortex and right interior insulin known.

So no one needs to be afraid of low IQ. If you are willing to achieve the maximum amount of training and persevere in doing the exercises, i.q. is sure to meet!

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